OECD Employment database

Indicators and statistics

Working conditions | Poverty Policy data | Quantitative data National level since 1960 | 1980 | 1981+ 40 Austria | Belgium | The Czech Republic+ 25
The OECD Employment database is part of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and offers statistics that are comparable between countries and over time on various employment-related topics, such as unemployment, the labour force and working time. Data...

ILO NATLEX Work and Employment


Working conditions | Vulnerability | Labour policy Textual data | Policy data National level since 1960 | 1980 | 1981+ 40 EU28 | Austria | Belgium+ 40
ILO NATLEX is the database of national labour, social security and related human rights legislation maintained by the ILO's International Labour Standards Department. NATLEX provides abstracts of legislation and relevant citation information on topics like work and employment, mi...

OECD Ageing and Employment Policies Project

Indicators and statistics

Working conditions | Poverty Policy data | Quantitative data National level since 1970 | 1980 | 1981+ 40 Austria | Belgium | The Czech Republic+ 30
The OECD Ageing and Employment Policies Project is part of the Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) and forms a collection of data on work and employment regarding older people, as well as of policy reviews in order to encourage greater labour market part...

NORMLEX: Information System on International Labour Standards

Indicators and statistics

Working conditions Textual data National level since 1960 | 1980 | 1981+ 40 EU28 | Austria | Belgium+ 42
NORMLEX is a new information system which brings together information on International Labour Standards (such as ratification information, reporting requirements, comments of the ILO's supervisory bodies, etc.) as well as national labour and social security laws. It contains data...



Working conditions | Labour policy Textual data National level 1980 | 1981 | 1982+ 39 EU28 | Austria | Belgium+ 26
The EUR-Lex database is an online search tool created by the Publications Office of the European Union. The tool provides free access in the 24 official EU languages to all European Union legislation. The database covers many types of texts produced mostly by the institutions of...

Multilinks Database


Working conditions | Vulnerability | Labour policy+ 1 Policy data | Textual data | Tabular data National level 2004 | 2009 EU27 | Other | Austria+ 28
The Multilinks Database on Intergenerational Policy Indicators is a database from The Wissenschaftszentrum Berlin. The database provides over 70 indicators on social policy rights, legal obligations to support, and care service usage. It offers a structured overview of access to...

ISSA Reforms Database


Working conditions | Vulnerability Policy data | Qualitative data National level 1995 | 1996 | 1997+ 23 EU28 | Other | Austria+ 38
The Reforms Database is a database developed by the International Social Security Association (ISSA). Its website provides access to information, expert advice, business standards, practical guidelines and platforms for members to build and promote dynamic social security systems...

CSB Social inequality and wealth distribution in the welfare state

Indicators and statistics

Working conditions Policy data | Quantitative data National level 1992 | 1993 | 1994+ 27 Austria | Belgium | Bulgaria+ 24
The CSB Minimum Income Protection Indicators database contains data on minimum income protection provisions for workers, people at working age not in work, and the elderly. Information on net disposable incomes is available since 1992 for 15 EU member states. From 2001 on, CSB-MI...

OECD Benefits and Wages

Indicators and statistics, Datasets

Working conditions | Vulnerability | Poverty Tabular data | Quantitative data National level 2001 | 2002 | 2003+ 17 EU28 | Other | Austria+ 32
The Benefit and Wages portal is a platform containing resources to facilitate evidence-based analysis of tax-benefit systems. It includes detailed descriptions of taxes and benefit rules in OECD and EU countries as they apply to working age families. It also includes outputs from...

Labour Market Policies, LMP database

Indicators and statistics

Labour policy | Poverty Tabular data | Policy data National level 1997 | 1998 | 1999+ 17 Austria | Belgium | Bulgaria+ 25
LMP statistics are one of the data sources for monitoring the Employment Guidelines (part II of the Europe 2020 Integrated Guidelines). The guidelines specifically refer to the provision of active labour market policies, which cover LMP measures and LMP services, and adequate soc...

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